RISO högvolymsprinter multifunktionsprinter
- Patenterad inkjet teknik
- Låga driftskostnader
- Höghastighetsproduktion
- Många efterbehandlingsalternativ
Makab är ÅF och importör av både hårdvara, reservdelar och förbrukningsartiklar. Våra tekniker är certifierade för service, support och löpande underhåll.
Om Riso
RISO offers the highest quality printing/copying equipment and accessories. Our products are the result of continual research and development, and listening to our customers’ needs. Innovation is at the heart of all we do. Award-winning RISO is home to the world’s fastest A4 full-colour inkjet page printer. We are at the forefront of technology and pioneers within our industry. All our products are built by hand. This ensures attention to detail and gives our products their enviable reputation for quality. We have unparalleled knowledge of the whole process; RISO is also an ink and consumables manufacturer – all your printing needs under one roof.
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